Port ofTanjung Perak
1 Geographical Position : 07o-12'-00" South Latitude
112o-44'-00" East Longitude
2 Anchorage Position
- A Waiting Pilot : 06o-55'-43" South Latitude
112o-43'-46" East Longitude
- A Waiting Berth : at inner anchorage
3 Navigation Charts
- Indonesia : No. 96,82
- British Admirality : No. 921, 1653 C
4 Local Standard Time : GMT + 7 Hours
5 Time for
- Incoming Traffic : 24 hrs
- Outgoing Traffic : 24 hrs
- Berthing : 24 hrs
- Unberthing : 24 hrs
6 Pilotage : Compulsory
7 Request for Pilot
- Hours Before Arrival : 6
- Hours Before Departure : 6
8 Water Derth (M. Lws)
- Outer Bar : 14 m
- Inner Bar : 10 m
- Entrance-Exit/Channel : 8 m
- Longside : 9 m - 10 m
9 Nature of Bottom : Sand and Mud
10 Rain
- Rain Season (Month) : October to April
- Month of Worst Condition : December to February
11 Restriction of Vessel's Size
- L.O.A. : 180 m
- Draft : 10 m
12 Particulars of Berth
Name of Berth Length (m) Depth Alongside (m)
  Jamrut Utara 1.200 9.2
  Jamrut Selatan 200 8
  Jamrut Barat 160 8
  Berlian Barat 700 9.5
  Berlian Timur 785 9
  Berlian Utara 140 4
  Nilam Timur 860 9
  Perak 140 7
  Mirah 640 7
  Bogasari 187.5 9.5
  Semen 290 12
  Petrokimia 620 12
13 Cargo Handling Particulars
- Molasses Berlian Timur berth pipe diameter is 8 inch, shore tank capacity is 900 ts and loading rate 15 mt/hr at Nilam berth pipe diameter is 10 inch, shoretank capacity is 6,000 ts and loading rate is 300 ts/hr. Shifting time : 4 hrs.
- Pig Iron Gearless vessels not accepted and minimum lifting capacity of ships cranes should be 25ts as receivers using back loaders. 3 shifts SHINC.
- Wheat in Bulk Lighterage at anchorage must be undertaken if draft exceeds 31ft (at high tide). Only 1 unit 2000 t barge is available.
14 Bunkers
- Bunker : MDF, MDO, HSD
- Means of Supply : Barge
- Capacity of Barge : MDF = 600T, MFO = 400T, HSD = 500T
- Rate per Hour : MDF = 60T, MFO = 35T, HSD = 75T
15 Port Facilities
A. Type : Sea port, 1st class
B. Coastal Radio Station : Name/Call Sign = Surabaya Radio/PKD
C. Facilities i. Loading and Discharging Equipments
a. Transtainer
e. Top Loader
h. Head Trucks
b. Mobile Crane
f. Fork-Lift
i. Chases 40'
c. Floating Crane
g. Barges
j. Reach Stacker
d. Trailers
ii. Sheds/Opened Storage
a. Transit Sheds
1. Jamrud Utara
2. Jamrud Selatan
3. Perak
4. Mirah
5. Berlian Timur
6. CFS
7. Berlian Barat
8. Dangerous Cargo
9. Kalimas
b. Ware House :
1. Jamrud Tengah
2. Perak
c. Entreport Storages : Jamrud Utara
d. Open Storages :
1. Inner Harbour
2. Outer Harbour
D. Port Service 1 Pilot Boat
2 Tug Boa
3 Dock/Repairing Facility
4 Loading and Discharging
5 Port Labour
6 Shipping Agencies
7 Etc.