Port ofTanjung Emas
1. Geographical Position : Port of Tanjung Emas is Located at the northern side of the coast of Central Java in the Position :
07o-06'-53" South Latitude to 06o-57'-00" South Latitude
110o-24'-00" East Longitude to 110o-26'-00" East Longitude
2. Anchorage Position : 06o-53'-46" South Latitude
110o-24'-48" East Longitude
3. Navigation Indonesian : No. 91
4. Local Standard Time : GMT + 7 Hours
5. Port Open for Traffic
- Incoming Traffic : 24 hrs
- Outgoing Traffic : 24 hrs
- Berthing : 24 hrs
- Unberthing : 24 hrs
6. Pilotage : Compulsory
7. Request for Pilot
- Hours Before Arrival : 6 - VHF Channel = 16/12
- Hours Before Departure : 3
8. Water Depth
(M. Lws)
- Outer Road : 2 mils / 9 Lws
- Channel : 9 m Lws
- Inner Road
- Wharf : 9 m Lws
9. Rain
- Rain Season (Month) : October - April
- Month of Worst Condition : November - January (West Monson - Hight Wave)
10. Restriction of Vessel's Size
- L.O.A. : 190
- Beam : 28
- Draft : 9
- Others : Bunker = MFO, HSD, Fresh Water = Available by Pipe / Barges
11. Particulars of Berths and Drawings
- Lenght : 605 m
- Breadht : 25 m
- Depth : 9 m
12. Port Facilities
A. Type of Port : Ocean Going Port of 2nd Class
B. Coastal Radio Stations : 1 MF / HF
Name / Call Sign : Stn. Radio Pantai / PKR
Name / Call Sign : Semarang Pilot Station / PKR 2 Channels
3 SSB Transceiver
Name / Call Sign : Semarang Pilot Station / 8 AC 7
4 Coastal Radio Station
Name / Call Sign : Semarang Radio1) FC PKR5
C. Facilities 1 Berthing Space
a. Ocean Going Berth
b. Coaster Berth
c. First Inter Port Berth (Local)
d. Second Inter Port Berth (Local)
e. First and Second between Interprt
f. Jampenan Strait
g. Kalibaru Timur River Quay
h. Kalibaru Barat River Quay
i. South KBT River Quay
j. KBB till Tirtaria River Quay
k. Wharf of Shed
l. Wharf of Motorized Sailing Boats
m. Special Quays :
- Pertamina Oil Quay
- Fishing Quay
2 Cargo Handling Equipments
a. Fork-Lift
b. Crane
c. Trailer
d. Head Truck
e. Truck Mounted
f. Fix Spreader
g. Telescopic Spreader Combo
h. Super Stacker
i. Top Loader
j. Travel Lift
k. Water Carrier Truck
l. Tug Boat
m. Mooring Boat
13. Port Service :
a. Pilotage
b. Tug Boat
c. Lubrication Oil
d. Facilities for Ship Repair
e. Loading and Discharging Capacity 1 General Cargo : 10 - 15 tons / gang / hour
2 Bulk Cargo : 15 - 20 tons / gang / hour
f. Shipping Agencies
g. etc
14. Port Authority Semarang
Address : Usman Janatin St. No. 8, Semarang - Indonesia
Tel. : (62-24) 24491, 20687