Port ofSamarinda
1. Geographical Position : East Of Kalimantan
2. Anchorage Position : (January - June) : Muara Jawa
02o- 00'-00" South Latitude / 117o-19'-00" East Longitude
: (June - December) : Muara Berau
00o-15'-15" South Latitude / 117o- 33'- 03" East Longitude
3. Navigation Charts : Makasar Strait
Kalimantan - East Coast
Balikpapan to Berau Estaury
Charts No. 159
4. Local Standard Time : GMT + 8 Hours.
5. Time For
- Incoming Traffic : 24 hrs.
- Outgoing Traffic : 24 hrs.
- Anchorage : Any time
6. Pilotage : Not Compulsory (Outer bar )
Compulsory (Inner bar)
7. Port facilities :
a. Type : River Port, 1st Class.
b. Limited Tonnage of
   vessel compulsory
   to pilotage
: 150 m3 bruto
c. Coastal Radio
1. MF/HF : Name /call sign :
  Samarinda Radio/ PKN 6
2. VHF : Name / Call sign :
  Samarinda Radio/ PKN 3
3. SSB Transceiver : Name : Samarinda Kepanduan
d. Facilities 1. Berthing space
a. Concrete constructed berth
length : 937 m
width : 12.5 m & 15 m
depth : -5 m LWS
b. "Petra" Berth
length : 50 m
width : 7 m
depth : -5 m LWS
c. Wooden Berth
length : 66 m
width : - m
depth : - m LWS
d. Animal Wharf
length : 8 m
width : - m
depth : - m LWS
e. Landing Site
length : 12 m
width : -5 m
depth : -5 m LWS
2. Loading and discharging equipment
a. Fork-lift : 3 units of 3 to 5 tons lifting capacity
b. Mobile Crane : 2 unit of 15 tons lifting capacity
3. Shed/ Open Storage : 21.000 m2
8. Port Services 1. Pilotage
2. Tug Boat
3. Fresh water
4. Repairing facility
5. Food stuff
6. Port labour
7. Shipping companies
a. Ocean
b. Special ocean
c. Interinsular
d. Local
8. Freight Forwarding
9. Bank
10. Telecommunication and post office
11. Fire extinguisher
12. Hospital
13. Stevedoring company
9. Main Commodities Export 1. Plywood.
2. Moulding.
3. Coal in bulk
4. Import
5. General cargoes