Port ofPontianak
1. Geographical Position : 00o-01'-02'' South Latitude
  109o-20'-26" East longitude
2. Anchorage Position : 00o-05'-09'' North Latitude
  109o-04'-50'' East Longitude
3. Water Depth
- Chanel/inside : (6,48mil/80m)=5,5m LWS
- Intrance : (Long 10,32 mil)=8m Lws
- In Berth/Port : 8-12 m LWS
- Height : 1,8 m
4. Local Standard Time : GMT + 7 Hours
5. Port Facilities
a. Type : Ocean port, 2nd class
b. The essential information concerning fix time of entering the port:
    In high tide period at the estuary of the Kubu River and Kapuas Kecil River.
c. The maximum size of ship which is permitted to enter the port :
    200 m in length and m in draught.
d. Navigation warning :
    The estuary of Kapuas Kecil River is only sailed at the channel which has been
    dredged. Out of the channel is very dengerous for the vessel of 2 m in draught
    or more.
e. Coastal Radio Station 1. Name/call sign : Pontiak Radio / PKS
   Frequency : 465 Khz
2. Name : Pontianak Radio 1) FC
   Call sign : PK55
   Frequency : 156,475 m or c.69 Mhz
                    156,80 m or c.16 25) Mhz
f. Berthing Space a. General quay 03 (concrete)
b. Local quay 01-02 (wood)
c. Small quay (wood) - (for Prahu)
    Besides the above quays,
    there are some quays available
g. Loading and discharging equipments : a. Derrick
b. Mobile derrick
c. Forklift
d. Barge
h. Shed/open storage : Available
6. Port Services 1. Pilotage : 24 hours, pilotage compulsory
2. Fresh water : 1.646 m3 of capacity
3. Oil Bunker Capacity : Bunkering from special
                                quay of Pertamina
4. Repairing Facility :
    2 Unit graving dock of 200 tons of
5. Loading and Discharging Capacity
    a. General Cargo : 12 tons/gang/hour
    b. Bags Cargo : 15 tons/gang/hour
6. Port Labour : available
7. Shipping agency : available
8. General Services
a. Freight Forwarding : available
b. Bank : available
c. Supplier : available
d. Telecommunication and Post Office :
e. Fire extinguisher : available
f. Navigation equipment depot : available
9. Stevedoring Companies
7. Main Commodities
The main commodities shipped through the Port of Pontianak are : Log, sawn timber, plywood and frestry products