Port ofPanjang
1. Geographical Position : 05o - 28' - 23" South Latitude
05o - 19' - 03" East Longitude
2. Anchorage Position : 05o - 29' - 30" South Latitude
105o - 17' - 40" East Longitude
105o - 17' - 40" S = 1/2 miles from breakwater
3. Navigation Charts : Indonesian No. 94 A
4. Local Standard Time : GMT + 7 Hours
5. Time For
- Incoming Traffic : 24 hrs
- Outgoing Traffic : 24 hrs
- Berthing : 24 hrs (as far as wharf did not occupied other ships)
- Unberthing : 24 hrs
6. Pilotage : Compulsory
7. Request for Pilot
- Hours Before Arrival : 6 - presented in stright time / official working hours
- Hours Before Departure : 4 - dito
8. Restriction of Vessel's Size
- L.O.A. : 200 m
- Beam : 50 m
9. Rain
- Rain Season (month) : November to April
- month of Worst Condition : December, January
10. Port Facilities
- Berthing Space a. Berth A (An ocean going and domestic berth)
b. Berth B (An ocean going and domestic berth)
c. Berth C (An ocean going and domestic berth)
d. Berth D (A multi purpose ocean going berth)
e. Berth E (A Ro-Ro berth)
f. Jetty (Owned by PT. Perkebunan X)
g. Jetty Pertamina Oil
h. Coal Quay (Owned by PT. Tambang Batubara)
i. Special Quay (Owned by PT. Andatu)
- Loading and Discharging
a. Mobile Crane
b. Forklift
c. Top Loader
d. Spreader Combo
e. Head Truck
f. Trailer Chasis Comb
g. Dolly Reefer
11. Port Services
i. Tug Boat
ii. Pilot Boat
iii. Fresh Water
iv. Port Labour
v. Shipping Company a. Ocean Going
b. Intersular
c. Local
d. Prahu (Sailing Boat)
e. Special
vi. General Services a. Freight Forwarding
b. Bank
c. Telecommunication & Post Office
d. Fire Extinguiser