Port ofPalembang
1. Geographical Position : 02°-59'-08'' South Latitude
104°-46-00'' East Longitude
2. Anchorage Position : 02°-59'-00'' South Latitude
104°-30'-00'' East Longitude
3. Navigation Charts
- Indonesian : No. 160, 161
- British Admirality : No. 3476, 3471
4. Local Standard Time : GMT + 7 Hours
5. Time For
- Incoming Traffic : 24 hrs
- Outgoing Traffic : 24 hrs
- Berthing : 24 hrs
- Unberthing : 24 hrs
6. Pilotage : Compulsory
7. Request For Pilot
- Hours Before Arrival : 12
- Hours Before Departure : 6
8. Water Depth (M.Lws)
- Outer Bar : 4.5 m
- Extrance - Exit/Channel : 4.9 m
- Inner Bar : 6 m
9. Nature of Bottom : Sandy & Muddy
10. Restriction of Vessel's Size
- L.O.A. : 180 m
- Draft : 7,5 m
11. Rain
- Rain Season (Month) : October to April
- Month of Worst Condition : December to February
12. Sea Tide : Tidal Range
- HHWS : 4.1 m Lws
- MSL : 2.05 m Lws
- ZO : 1.8 m Lws
13. Port Facilities
1. Loading and Discharging
a. Forklift
b. Crane
c. Top Loader
d. Head Truck
e. Trailer (chasis/combo 40'/20')
2. Berthing Space a. Boom Baru Berth I
b. Container Berth (Boom Baru Berth II)
c. General Cargo Berth (Boom Baru II)
d. Passenger Terminal
e. PPL 3 Ilir Quay
f. PPL Sei. Lais Quay
g. Breasting Quay
h. Pertamina Oil Jetty (Plaju)
i. Pertamina Oil Jetty (S. Gerong)
j. Fertilizer Quay (PUSRI)
k. Coal Wharg (PT. ABA)
l. Permuka Wharf
m. Batu Raja Cement Wharf
n. Salt Wharf
3. Sheds / Open storages
14. Export Commodities : The main export commodities shipped through
Port Palembang are crude oil, fertilizer, rubber, molasses, etc.
15. Port Services
1. Pilotage
2. Pilot Boats
3. Mooring Boats
4. Tug Boat
5. Bunker a. Fresh Water
b. Oil
6. Repairing Facilities a. Dock
b. Repairing Workshop
7. Port Labour
8. Shipping Company a. Ocean Going
b. Interinsular
c. Prahu (Sailing Boat)
d. Local
9. General Services a. Freight Forwarding
b. Bank
c. Telecommunication and Post Office
d. Fire Extinguisher
10. Stevedoring Company