Port ofPadang
1. Geographical Position 01o- 00'- 04" South Latitude
100o- 21'- 00" East Longitude
2. Anchorage Position 01o- 00' -50" South Latitude
100o- 21'- 50" East Longitude
3. Navigation Chart (s) Indonesia No. 279
4. Local Standard Time GMT + 7 Hours
5. Port Open For Traffic
- Incoming Traffic : 24 hrs
- Outgoing Traffic : 24 hrs
- Berthing : 24 hrs
- Unberthing : 24 hrs
6. Pilotage Compulsory
7. Water Depth (M.Lws) Outer Bar : 9,5
8. Rain
- Rain Season (month) : July - March
- month Of Worst Condition : Agustus - January
9. Restriction Of Vessel's Size
- L.O.A. : 180 m
- Beam : 28 m
- Draft : 9.5 m
10. Main Commodities
- Import : General Cargo
- Export : Coal, Cement, Plywood, Gencargo