Port ofBelawan
1. Geographical Position : 03o-47'-00" North Latitude
98o-42'-00" East Longitude
2. Achorage Position : 03o-49'-00" North Latitude
98o-44'-04" East Longitude
3. Navigation Chart(s)
- Indonesian : No.19.
- British Admirality : No.3584.
4. Local Standard Time : GMT + 7 Hours
5. Time For
- Incoming Traffic : 24 hrs
- Outgoing Traffic : 24 hrs
- Berthing : 24 hrs
- Unberthing : 24 hrs
6. Pilotage : Compulsory
7. Port Area
a. Channel - Length : 8 mil
- Minimum Breadth : 100 m
- Minimum depth : -10 m LWS
The condition of the seabed channel : mud
b. Basin - Wide : 411.75 Ha
- Minimum depth : - 6 m LWS
- Maximum depth : - 10 m LWS
The condition of the foundation of the Basin : mud
8. Port Facilities
a. Ports classification : International sea port
b. The essensial information for vessel entering the port :
    The pilotage's information is available through the VHS Channel
c. The maximum size of the vessel able to enter the port :
    250 m long with the 10 m in draught (at flood tide)
d. The tonnage limit of vessel compulsory to pilotage : 250 m3 bruto or more
9. Facilities
1. Berthing Space a. Belawan Lama Base (For local shipping lines and local international cargo handling)
b. Ujung Baru Base (For the ocean going and import cargo)
c. Citra Base (Destined to serve the inter island cargo handling)
d. Gabion Base (Serve conventional and feeder container vessel)
(1) Special Container Berth
(2) General Cargo Berth
2. Loading and Discharging
a. Forklift
b. Mobile Crane
c. Truck Mounted Crane
d. Spreader 40'
e. Head Truck
f. Top Loader
g. Chasis Combo
h. Fire fighting truck
i. Gantry Crane
j. Travelift
k. Fixed Spreader
l. Floating Crane
m. Transfoiner
3. Shed / Open Storage a. Belawan Lama Base
(i) Transit Shed
(ii) Open Storage
(iii) Yard
b. Ujung Baru Base
(I) Transit Shed
(ii) Open Storage
(iii) Yard
c. Citra Base
(I) Transit Shed
(ii) Yard
d. Gabion Base
1) Container Freight Stations
2) Container Yards
3) Reefer Plug
4) Transit Shed
5) Shed for Dangerous Cargo
10. Port Services
1. Pilotage
2. Tug Boats
3. Pilot Boats
4. Mooring Boats
5. Fresh Water
6. Bunker Facility
7. Lubrication a. Dock and Repair Facilities
1) General Repair
2) Repair & Dock
3) Helling Dock
b. Port Labour
c. Shipping Companies
d. General Services
2) Banks
3) Ship's Chandler Supplier
4) Telecomunication, Post & Giro
5) Stevedoring Company
6) Terminal Passangers
7) Electricity
11. Export Commodities : Latex, palm oil, palm kernel, coffee, tea, tobacco, vegetables, forest products, maize, sea production, and others.
12. The rules of using the navigation channel
a. Big vessel are not permited to enter the channel when there are vessels heading toward the opposite direction
b. Priority is given to the going out vessels