Port ofUjung Pandang
1. Geographical Position : 05o-08'-08" South Latitude
119o-24'-2" East Longitude
2. Anchorage Position : A Waiting Pilot :
05o-08'-08" South Latitude
119o-24'-2" East Longitude
3. Navigation Charts
- Indonesian : No. 176
- British Admiralty : No. 1293, 2662, 2637
4. Local Standard Time : GMT + 8 Hours
5. Time For
- Incoming Traffic : 24 hrs.
- Outgoing Traffic : 24 hrs.
- Berthing : 24 hrs.
- Unberthing : 24 hrs.
6. Pilotage : Compulsory
7. Request For Pilot
- Hours Before Arrival : 24 Hours
- Hours Before Departure : 4 Hours
8. Water Depth
- Outer Bar : 20 m
- Entrance-Exit
: 16 m
- Inner Bar : 9-16 m
9. Nature Of Sea-Bottom : Sand/mud/rock
10. Rain
Rain Season (Month) : November to April
Month of Worst Condition : December to February
11. Port Facilities
A. Type : Ocean going port, main class, exploited
B. Port basin width : 15,195.50 m2
C. Shore width : 50.78 Ha
D. Breakwater : 1,581.00 m
E. Boat service fasilities
1. Pilot boats :
- MP. Lae-Lae :    600 HP
- MP. 029 :    250 HP
- MP. Lae-Lae :    600 HP
2. Tug Boats :    350 HP
- KT. Anoman XIII : 1,500 HP
- KT. S. Tanakeke : 1,160 HP
- KT. Anggada IX :    800 HP
F. Berthing
1. Sukarno Wharf
- Length :   1,360 m'
- Depth :       -9 m
- 5 Warehouse : 19,000 m2
- Open Storage : 26,675 m2
- Ex CY : 47,376 m2
Passanger Terminal :  3,619 m2
- Fresh water facility
South Soekarno recervoir, capacity 800 T.
Debit 150 T/Hr
North Soekarno recervoir, capacity 200 T.
Debit 30 T/Hr
2. Hatta Wharf 
- Lenght :     550 m'
- Depth :     -12 m
- Container Yard : 75,000 m2
- Container Freight station :   5,000 m2
- Reefer handling : 36 plug
- Fresh water facility
Hatta recervoir, capacity 1,000 T
Debit 150 T/Hr
Special for Multipurpose
- Length : 350 m'
- Depth : -12 m
3. Hasanuddin Wharf :
Special for small ships, RORO and government ships 
- Lenght : 532.5 m'
- Depth : -6 m
4. Paotere Distric :
Special for traditional voyage/community shipping
- Length : 532.5 m'
- Depth : -5 m
- Open Storage : 14,762.23 m2
G. Equipments for Handling Cargo and Container 
1. Forklift
- Capacity 3 T :  2 Unit
- Capacity 5 T  :  1 Unit
- Capacity 15 T :  1 Unit
2. Top Loader Capacity :  2 Unit
3. Reach Stacker Capacity :  2 Unit
4. Shore Crane
- Capacity 15 T :  2 Unit
- Capacity 25 T :  1 Unit
- Capacity 45 T :  1 Unit
5. Head Truck Capacity 45 T :  4 Unit
6. Chassis : 10 Unit
The equipment will be preparation to modern terminal container is :
1. Gantry Crane :  2 Unit
2. Transtainer :  5 Unit
3. Head Truck : 10 Unit
4. Chassis : 20 Unit
5. Forklift Battery : 10 Unit
H. Other Facilities
1. Fire brigade car : 1 Unit
2. Building : 5,807 m2
3. Electricity : 231.5 KVA
I. Port Service 1. Pilotage
2. Tug boat
3. Fresh water
4. Bunker facility
5. Docks and repair facilities
6. Food stuff
7. Loading and discharging capacity
- General Cargo : 17 - 18 Tons/Gang/Hour
- Bulk Cargo : 18 - 20 Tons/Gang/Hour
- Container : 12 Box/Gang/Hour (Interinsulair)
8. Port Labour : Available
9. General services
a. Freight Forwarding
b. Bank
c. Supplier
d. Telecommunication and Post Office
e. Stevedoring company
f. Surveyor
10. Main Commodities:
The main export commodities shipped through the Port of Ujung Pandang are cocoa beans, cassava, wheat, shrimp, corn, cement, sea product, plywood, etc.