Port ofLhokseumawe
1. Geographical Position : 05o-15'-00" North Latitude
  97o-30'-00" East Longitude
2. Anchorage Position : 05o-16'-00" North Latitude
  97o-01'-40" East Longitude
3. Navigation Charts : 25
4. Local Standart Time : GMT + 7 Hours
5. Time For
- Incoming Traffic : 08.00 - 19.00 Hrs
- Outgoing Traffic : 08.00 - 19.00 Hrs
- Berthing : 08.00 - 19.00 Hrs
- Unberthing : 08.00 - 19.00 Hrs
6. Pilotage : Compulsory
7. Request For Pilot
- Hours Before Arrival : 6
- Hours Before Departure : 3
8. Water Depth (M.LWS)
- Outer Road : 30 m
- Channel : 10 m
- Inner Road : 9.5 m
9. Wharf
a. Asean Aceh Fertilizer (AAF) Wharf
AAF Berth-A (Special To Load Urea Fertilizer in Bulk)
- Max Draft Vessel : 9.5 m
- L.O.A. : 170 m
- Loading Method : One Conveyor
- Loading Rate : 400 MT / Hours
- Working Hours : 24 Hrs
AAF Berth-B (To Load / Unload General Cargoes)
- Max Draft Vessel : 9.5 m
- L.O.A. : 300 m
- Loading Method : Ship derricks /
  shore crane, forklifts
- Loading Rate : 35 MT / Gang
- Working Hours : 08.00 - 22.00 hrs
b. Pupuk Iskandar Muda (PIM) Wharf (Special To Load Urea Fert. In Bulk)
- Max Draft Vessel : 9.5 m
- L.O.A. : 170 m
- Loading Method : One Conveyor
- Loading Rate : 400 MT / Hours
- Working Hours : 24 Hrs
c. Public Harbour / Pelabuhan Umum (To Load / Unload General Cargoes)
- Max Draft Vessel : 9.5 m
- Length of Wharf : 2 x 80 m
- Loading Method Ship's derricks /
shoree crane, forklifts
- Loading Rate 35 MT / Hour / Gang
10. Rain
- Rain Season (Month) : October - April
- Month of Worst Condition : December - February
11. Port Facilities
a. Type of port and port
: Third class sea port
b. Coastral Radio Station
   1. VHF Name of Station : Port of
Channel : 6, 9, 12, 16
Working Time : 08.00 - 16.00
   2. SSB Transceiver Name /Call Sign : Port of
Frequency : 5295 khz
  Radio Pantai SROF
Working Time : 01.00; 04.00; 09.00
c. Loading and discharging
1. Forklift
2. Mobile Crane
d. Shed / open storage
   1.First line godown opened : Wide 2000 m2
Covered : Wide 2000 m2
   2. Second Line Godown Closed : Wide 2000 m2
   3. Open Storage : Wide 20.158 m2
e. Port Service 1. Pilotage : operates on day
  time only
2. TugBoat : available owned by
3. Fresh Water : supplied by pipe in
  limited amount
4. Loading and discharging
: 18 tons / gang /
5. Port Labour : available
6. Shipping Company
   - Ocean going : 2 units
   - Inter island : 2 units
7. Freight Forwarding
   - General : 4 units
   - Special : 4 units
8. Stevedoring Company
   - General : 4 units
12. Main Commodities Import / Export
General Cargoes (Urea in Bags, kraft papers, asphalt in drum, rice,
construction mats, etc)