Port ofJayapura
1. Geographical Position : 02o-32'-30'' North Latitude
  140o-42'-30" East longitude
2. Local Standard Time : GMT + 9 Hours
3. Sea Tide
Highest High Spring (HHWS) : 1.50 m LWS
Mean High Water Spring (MHWS) : 1.00 m LWS
Mean Sea Level (MSL) : 0.50 m LWS
Mean Low Water Spring (MLWS) : 1.00 m LWS
Low Water Spring (LWS) : ± 0.00 m LWS
Lowest Low Water Spring (LLWS) : - 1.0 m LWS
Standard Time : GMT + 09.00
4. Port Area
a. Chanel : Length : ± 3000 m
Minimum Breadth : ±  500 m
Minimum Depth : ±  50 m LWS
Bottom Soil Condition : Sandy and
b. Basin : Wide : 500.000 m2
Minimum Depth : ± 30 m
Maximum Depth : ± 40 m
Bottom Soil Condition : Sandy and
c. Pilotage Area :
Coordinate Limit :
I. 02o-37'-08'' South/140o-45'-48'' East
II. 02o-32'-03'' South/140o-45'-02'' East
III. 02o-32'-38'' South/140o-42'-1.5'' East
5. Port Facilities
a. Type : Sea port, 2nd class, exploited
b. Pilotage : Pilotage compulsory
c. Coastal Radio Station 1. MF/HF
    Name/Call sign : Jayapura/PNK
2. VHF
    Name /Call sign : Jayapura/PNK
3. SSB Transceiver
    Name/Call sign : Jayapura/8 AT
d. Facility 1. Berthing Space
    Main Quay :
    Length : 132 m
    Breadth : 9 m
    Depth : 8 - 9 m
    Construction : Steel/Concrete
    APO Quayay :
    Length : 33 m
    Breadth : 6 m
    Depth : 9 - 10 m
    Construction : Steel/Concrete
2. Loading and Discharging Equipment :
    a. Forklift : 2 Units of
  2 tons
       Forklift : 1 Units of
  3 tons  capacity
    b. Mobile Crane : 1 Units of
  25 tons  capacity
3. Open Storage
    Main : 8,000 m2
    APD : 1,430 m2
4. Passenger Terminal : 1,200 m2
e. Port Services
1. Pilotage : Available
2. Installation Water : Available
3. Bunker -
4. Repairing Facility -
5. Loading and Discharging Capacity :
   18 to 20 tons/gang/hour
6. Port Labour : Available
7. General Services
   a. Freight Forwarding
   b. Bank
   c. Telecommunication and Post Office
8. Stevedoring Company : Available
9. Mooring Ship : Available
10. Tug Boat -
11. Forklift : Available
12. Mobile Crane : Available
F. Main Commodities Export commodities shipped through this
port: CPO, COCOA