Port ofCilacap
1. Geographical Position : 07o -47'-00" South Latude
108o-59'-05" East Longitude
2. Anchorage Position : 07o-46'-55" South Latude / 109o-03'-20" East Longitude
07o-45'-45" South Latude / 109o-02'-20" East Longitude
07o-46'-45" South Latude / 109o-04'-20" East Longitude
07o-45'-45" South Latude / 109o-04'-20" East Longitude
3. Navigation Charts
- Indonesia : No. 108
- British Admirality : No. 912, 1653 b
4. Local Standard Time : GMT + 7 Hours
5. Time For
- Incominng Traffic : 24 hrs
- Outgoing Traffic : 24 hrs
- Berthing : 24 hrs - for Vessel with lenght U/T 165 meters and/or draf U/T 8 meters
- Unberthing : Daylight-For vessel with length over (at high than 165 meters and/or tide)
draft over than 8.5 meters
6. Pilotage : Compulsory
7. Request For pilot
- Hours Before Arrival : 6
- Hours Before Departure : 3
8. Water Depth (M. Lws)
- Outer Bar : 12 m
- Entrance-Exit
: 10 m
- Berth No. I : 9 m
- Berth No. II/III : 9 m
- Berth No. IV : 7.5 m
- Berth No. VI : 9 m
9. Rain Season (Month) : August - January
Month of Warst Condition : October-December
10. Restrictions of Vessel's Size
- L.O.A : 190 m
- Draft : 9 m
11. Stevedoring a. Type : Ocean port, 1st class
b. facilities
1 Berthing Space
a. Oil Berth
b. Berth I
c. Berth II
d. Berth III
e. Berth IV
f. Berth V
g. Pilot Berth
h. Iron Sand Berth
i. Special Berth for Cement
j. Pertamina Berth (Area 70)
k. Interinsular Berth
l. Iron Pipe Berth
m. Pertamina Berth (Area 60)
2 Loading and Discharging Equipment
a. Mobile Crane
b. Forklift
c. Fire Extinguisher
3 Shed/Open Storage
a. Covered Shed (Line I) : 3500.00 m2
b. Open Shed (Line II) : 5730.00 m2
c. Open Storage (Line II) : 13.353.00 m2
d. Open Storage (Line II) : 5000.00 m2
12. Main Commodities Import/Export
- Export : Cattle fooder (Tapioca chips/Pellets)
- Import :


Raw material for cement factory
- Iron slag in bulk
- Gypsum in bulk
- Spare parts/Equipment/Machinery for Cement Factory
- Spare parts/Equipment for Oil Refinery
- Project Material/Equipment (if any)