Port ofBatam

Batu Ampar | Batu Skupang | Kabil (CPO)


1. Geographical Position    01o-11'-00" North Laitude
  104o-00'-06" East Longitude
2. Anchorage Position    01o-10'-21" North Latitude
  03o-58'-43" East Longitude
3. Navigation Charts    Indonesia No. 42, 44, 107
4. Local Standard Time    GMT + 7 Hours
5. Port Open for Traffic
- Incoming Traffic :  24 hrs
- Outgoing Traffic :  24 hrs
- Berthing :  24 hrs
- Unberthing :  24 hrs
6. Pilotage    Compulsory
7. Request for Pilot
- Hours Before Arrival :  4
- Hours Before Departure :  3
8. Water Depth (M. Lws)
- Outer Road :  8 m
- Channel :  8 m
- Inner Road :  8 m
- Wharf :  6 m
9. Rain
- Rain Season (Month) :  May - September
- Month of Worst Condition :  October - February
10. Restiction of Vessel's Size :  20.000 DWT
- L.O.A. :  160 m
- Draft :  8m
11. Particular of Berths and Drawings :  300 m - 150 m - 200 m
12. Port Facilities
a. Cranes
b. Gang Capacity
c. Fresh Water Supply
d. Barge/Tug
e. Cargo Handling Equipment :  Forklift, Loader, Trunk Trailer



1. Geographical Position    01o-07'-30" North Latitude
   103o-55'-22" East Longitude
2. Anchorage Position    01o-08'-00" North Latitude
   103o-54'-30" East Longitude
3. Navigation Charts    Indonesian No. 42, 44, 106
4. Local Standard Time    GMT + 7 Hours
5. Port Open for Traffic
- Incoming Traffic :  24 hrs
- Outgoing Traffic :  24 hrs
- Berthing :  24 hrs
- Unberthing :  24 hrs
6. Pilotage    Compulsory
7. Request for Pilot
- Hours Before Arrival :  4
- Hours Before Departure :  3
8. Water Depth (M. Lws) :  15 m
- Wharf :  9 m
9. Rain
- Rain Season (Month) :  May - September
- Month of Worst Condition :  October - February
10. Restriction of Vessel's Size :  5.000 DWT
- L.O.A. :  100 m
- Beam :  -
- Draft :  12 m
11. Port Facilities
a. Cranes    - Fixed : 1
   - Mobil Cranes : 1 x 75t
   - Capacity : 2 x 15t
b. Gang Capacity
c. Fresh Water Supply
d. Barge/Tug
e. Cargo Handling Equipment :  Forklift, Loader, Trunk Trailer



1. Geographical Position    01o-04'-05" North Latitude
   104o-08'-35" East Longitude
2. Anchorage Position    01o-07'-00" North Latitude
   104o-10'-30" East Longitude
3. Navigation Charts    Indonesian No. 42, 44, 106
4. Local Standard Time    GMT + 7 Hours
5. Port Open for Traffic
- Incoming Traffic :  24 hrs
- Outgoing Traffic :  24 hrs
- Berthing :  24 hrs
- Unberthing :  24 hrs
6. Pilotage    Compulsory
7. Request for Pilot
- Hours Before Arrival :  4
- Hours Before Departure :  3
8. Water Depth (M. Lws) :  15 m
- Wharf :  6 m
9. Rain
- Rain Season (Month) :  May - September
- Month of Worst Condition :  October - February
10. Restriction of Vessel's Size :  20.000 DWT
- L.O.A. :  170 m
- Beam :  -
- Draft :  11 m
11. Particular of Berths and Drawings :  100 m